Adonis Golden Ratio System – A Comprehensive Review

Name: Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR)


Price: $37 one time payment

Creators: John Barban and Kyle Leon

Overall Rank: 93/100

Guarantee: Full Reimbursement within 60 days of purchase

In my Adonis Golden Ratio Review, I reveal the details of everything that is included with purchase and whether it’s worth the $37.

Adonis Golden Ratio ReviewThe Product

Adonis Golden Ratio (not an affiliate link) is a twelve week workout, nutrition, and supplementation program which is being marketed as “The Perfect Body Formula”.

There is a science behind the perfect body measurements and the goal of this program is to get you closer to that ideal.

Like most workout programs AGR claims to provide you with the “breakthrough tricks” to result in a “dramatic transformation”.

The truth is that there are no shortcuts when it comes to getting the body of your dreams. It takes hard work and discipline.


The fundamentals of building muscle remain the same.

This does not mean, however, that AGR is a scam. The creators only make these claims because it’s what people want to hear. That’s what sells.

Given my rating, I do believe that AGR delivers on the price tag.

Review Updated on June 7, 2015 

Pros vs. Cons


  • Step-by-step process for both exercise and nutrition
  • Different plans for different goals
  • Weekly updated nutrition plan
  • Active Community


  • No deadlifts (apparently they increase waist size?!)
  • Possibly overgeneralized recommendations from nutrition calculator
  • Bad publicity and complaints about Kyle Leon (marketing mind behind this product)
  • After you pay, some additional up-sells
  • Exaggerated claims in the sales video

Who is Adonis Golden Ratio Intended For?

AGR offers three different workout, nutrition, and supplementation plans.

Each is geared towards a particular goal of either fat loss, muscle gain, or fat loss with simultaneous muscle gain.

AGR is being marketed to everyone at every level, but the workout plans may be intense for the completely newbie.

What’s Included

After purchase you get access to:

  • Theory of Ideal Proportions (eBook by John Barban)
  • Nutrition Software
  • Training Program
  • Meal Plans
  • Forums
  • Bonuses

I will provide an overview of each of these individually.

Theory of Ideal Proportions

Barban talks about the prevalence of steroids in the fitness industry and how magazines are selling you on a physique that is unattainable without them. Some of his claims are exaggerated, but basically he explains how he shifted his focus from gaining size to developing the perfect body proportions.

He explains that humans have been hardwired to look for particular physical traits in potential mates and that his program is developed to get you the body that females find most attractive.


To get you the ideal shoulder circumference to waist ratio.

Barban writes about the ancient Greek sculptors and how they were renown for their depiction of the perfect male body. He explains how he implemented this knowledge into this workout program.

Every chapter is followed by a success story complete with transformation pictures and an interview.

The 128 page eBook is basically an overview of what the program is based on.

You can skim through the book to gain a better understanding of what the golden ratio actually is.

Nutrition Software – Adonis Golden Ratio Calculator

You start the program by entering your body dimensions into the nutrition software which then outputs a list of weekly targets.

The software is good because it takes into account the waist measurement.

Waist measurement is a good indicator of body fat percentage.

I followed the recommendations of the nutrition software to the dot (read about my experience with AGR) and was able to see good results.


If you feel you have a good understanding of your body, don’t be afraid to experiment by altering the recommendations.

Nutrition Calculator

Training Program

There are three plans for three different goals:

  • muscle gain
  • fat loss
  • combined muscle gain and fat loss.

You enter your height, waist, and weight measurements into a software that is meant to determine your main goal.

This software is very general and you’d do better to determine your own goal.


The fat loss plan is with the primary goal of losing weight while the muscle gain plan is with the primary goal of gaining weight.

Most people will fall somewhere in between.

The combined muscle gain and fat loss plan is the best option unless you are on either end of the extreme (overweight or extremely skinny).

Within each plan are workout, nutrition, and supplementation programs.

Plan Calculator

The workout programs are simple to follow and are laid out on a day to day basis.

This is not to say that they will be easy.

The workouts include pyramid sets, super sets, and circuit training. They will be hard and you will have to push yourself.

I recommend that the completely newbie get some gym experience under his belt before starting this program.

The “muscle gain” and “combined muscle gain and fat loss” workout routines are similar in exercises but vary in intensity.

The fat loss workout routine is different in that it focuses a lot on circuit training; one exercise after the other with minimal rest and high reps.

Barban excludes deadlifts.

He claims that they increase your waist and “make you look less attractive”.

It is possible to develop a visually aesthetic physique without deadlifts.


Incorporating deadlifts will work to promote overall mass and strength in your body.

I usually did 5 sets of 5 deadlifts once a week at the end of a back workout.

Below you can see a sample of what a typical day’s workout looks like. Within the workout manual are clickable links which take you to the customer’s portal where John explains the proper technique of each and every movement included in the program. AGR Workout Sample

The nutrition program provides a very detailed overview of the dieting principles that AGR revolves around. (View Table of Contents)

A concept that really made sense to me, and that I hadn’t heard of before, was reverse tapering.

The logic behind reverse tapering is:

The lower your body fat, the less your body will prefer to use fat for fuel, and the harder it will be to lose additional body fat.

To overcomes this dilemma John proposes the following solution:

Gradually increase calories as your body fat drops until you get to a point of optimal maintenance.

This may sound counterintuitive at first, but John goes into further detail explaining why and how this works.

You can even check out my post on reverse tapering for a better understanding.

The nutrition program is included to provide you with the information to help you develop an understanding of what “healthy eating” actually entails and incorporate that understanding to design your diet around reverse tapering principles.

The specifics of what you will be eating are included in the Meal Plans section.

The supplementation programs recommend some products that, in my mind, are “questionable”.

If you are a beginner, I would recommend staying away from the test boosters and fat burners altogether.

Here is a list of the supplements that I used during the 12 weeks of AGR:

  • Whey Protein
  • Creatine
  • Fish Oil
  • Multivitamin
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine
  • Branched Chain Amino Acids (to preserve muscle)

There is no need to complicate your supplementation plan.

Your major focus should be on nutrition.

Supplementation can enhance your efforts and get you to where you want faster, but do not make it your primary focus.

Seen Enough?
 Buy Adonis Golden Ratio Using a 1 Time Payment of $37 (affiliate link)

Meal Plans

There are a total of 9 meal plans.

Each one provides you with the guidelines of what to eat each day for the full 84 days.

Each day is divided into 6 meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and 3 snacks.

That is 504 meal ideas within each meal plan!

The guidelines are broken down into meal proportions, item proportions, and preparation suggestions.

There is also a grocery list at the end of each week with a list of all the ingredients you will need to prepare the meals as listed.

The meal plans are AWESOME for anyone looking to leave the guesswork out of the nutrition side of things.

Keeping track of macros can be a fleeting process.


For me, it is difficult to come up with meal ideas everyday.

With everything laid out, it made the whole nutrition side of things a lot smoother.


The community aspect of the product separates AGR from other fitness programs.

The forums are fairly active with over 10,000 threads and over 44, 000 members.

As part of a community, you are in touch with a bunch of people who are on the same path as you.

The forums are a good place to keep track of your progress. Sharing your goals with others will hold you more accountable to actually following through.Community Statistics

Another cool aspect of the community is the Adonis Index Contest.

There are 3 contests a year with a prize of $500 each.

You submit a “before” picture and enter all your current measurements. You have 12-20 weeks to prepare for your “after” picture.

Entering a contest is a great way to get and stay motivated.


With the purchase of AGR you also get access to:

  • The Adonis Arms and Abs Assault
  • 7 days out by Kyle Leon

The Adonis Arms and Abs Assault is a 4 week program that has workouts twice a week for a total of 8 workouts.

That is 4 weeks of specialized arm and ab training, i.e. the glory muscles.

According to John, 94% of men don’t maximize their potential for these two body parts.

7 days out is an eBook intended to give the training and nutritional guidelines for the last 7 days before a photoshoot. It is designed for people who have gone through the Adonis Golden Ratio program and looking to lose that last bit of weight.


My Personal Experience

Before discovering AGR, I had already been working out for over 2 years.

When I first started going to the gym, all I wanted to do was get big. I would lift heavy and consistently eat 3000+ calories a day. I started out at about 150 lbs and bulked up to over 190 lbs.

One day I was checking myself out in the mirror and realized:

What’s the point of spending all this time in the gym if I still look flabby without a shirt on?

When I first started working out, my vision of looking good was just to get as big as possible.

Sure, I looked good in a t-shirt. But now my vision of looking good had changed. I already had broad shoulders, but I wanted a narrow waist with ripped abs.

The thing is:

If you are serious about achieving a goal, fitness related or otherwise, you have to know your why.

Knowing why you want to achieve a particular goal is what keeps you motivated and drags your ass to the gym even when you don’t feel like it.

For me, like it is for a lot of people who start out, it was about looking good. Summer was coming up and I wanted heads to turn when I walked down the beach. As petty as that sounds…

I discovered AGR through an online advertisement. Upon seeing the sales video I was skeptical (yes, the claims made in the video are exaggerated), but intrigued about the concept of the golden ratio. I decided to give it a shot.

Throughout the 12 weeks I didn’t miss a single workout and followed the recommendations from the nutrition calculator to the dot (I measured all my food on scale and took my measurements every week).

As you can see from the pictures below, I went through a total body recomposition. The AGR System helped me achieve my goal.

My AGR Transformation

In the final picture my waist measurement is 31 inches and shoulders are 51 inches. That is (31+51)/51= 1.607, the Golden ratio is 1.618. So, got pretty close.

After going through one cycle of AGR I switched my routine up to add some more size. I am planning on going through another cycle of AGR soon and will update this review with my results when I do.

Final Rating: A

The problems I have with the program are:

  • A lack of deadlifts
  • Questionable supplementation program
  • Generalized nutrition software
  • Exaggerated claims in the sales video

My rating is based on the value of materials you get access to for the $37 price tag.

The meal plans alone provided me with a value greater than $37.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, there is always the 60 day money back guarantee*.

*Over the years, I have refunded many products on ClickBank. It is a very straightforward process.  

Adonis Golden Ratio At a Glance

Name: Adonis Golden Ratio


Price: $37 one time payment

Creators: John Barban and Kyle Leon

Overall Rank: 93/100

Guarantee: Full Reimbursement within 60 days of purchase

Long story short: If you are willing to put the work in, want to develop better body proportions, and you can afford it, the Adonis Golden Ratio system is a great set of guidelines that can help you achieve your goal.

Buy Adonis Golden Ratio today for $37 >>> (affiliate link)

I tried to be as detailed as possible with my Adonis Golden Ratio Review, but leave any questions in the comments section if you require further clarification about the product.


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